Small Project Planning

It’s codin’ time…

Planning well is the key to successfully finishing a project, and it does not solely apply to large projects. Even your small one file programs could really benefit from a plan before you start. If you’ve ever watched one of my videos, you’ll frequently see me drawing my intentions on screen – this is not just for a visual demonstration, more often than not, these drawings are inspired by squiggles I drew while I was planning the project. In this post I want to point out a few things that I do to ensure in the very least, I reach my project goals.

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Non-Repeating Pseudo Random Sequences

Pseudo-random numbers are numbers drawn which on the surface appear random. It’s not possible for a computer to actually generate “genuinely random numbers” without additional hardware, and even then their credibility of randomness is not guaranteed. For most purposes in game development, it’s rare to actually require genuine random numbers and so we rely upon the the numbers provided by libraries.

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Hello World!

Welcome to OneLoneCoder Community!

This is clearly a brand new site, and has very little content right now. But I hope that community members will start creating articles for this site. It’s going to be mostly about programming, but anything technology related or just generally interesting will be accepted. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Programming articles
  • Algorithms
  • Project development logs
  • Showcases
  • Technology reviews
  • Game reviews
  • Scientific Opinions
  • Electronics
  • Editorials

Articles can include images, video links and of course Source Code!

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello!" << std::endl;
    return 0;